July 28, 2007

no trip to camp, but plenty going on

Well I didn't make it to camp this year sadly:( Everything conspired against it so I decided the goddess was dropping big hints of "Don't go"
Mr Mog has had an irritating nosebleed for 10 days now, every day at least once a day a little nose bleed. Doctor has arranged for him to have blood and urine tests next Tuesday to see what is going on. It probably just needs cauterising but with his high blood pressure they are being cautious and I like that. I don't like seeing Mr mog under the weather, he is usually so well really.
Secondly my eldest grandson had to go for a biopsy yesterday. He has had an ulcer under his tongue for many weeks now and all medication hasdn't worked so doctor decided to do a biopsy to see what it is. He is only 11 and was very very brave through it all. He has stitches in and has to go back next Friday for the results. It is going to be a very long week waiting.I didn't want to be away while this is going on. They came over last night and he looked so drained poor love, couldn't eat although he has now. Its so awful when its your grandchild or child, you just want to take the problem away and can't do.
We didn't get a caravan and of course there has been much rain. The camp field was apparently ok but muddy which means camp will at least go on. I'm sorry I'll miss catching up with folks, but there is always next year.
I've been knitting(of course on the TdeF KAL. I'm hopeful I'll have my third shawl finished by the end of tomorrow even if it isn't quite blocked. 3 weeks = 3 shawls. Not bad:)


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Mr Mog and your Grandson. I had a huge mouth ulcer for a fortnight but it cleared up just before I decided to seek help.I hope he's okay as anything in the mouth hurts like crazy.

artyfartykat said...

What a shame you didn't make it to camp, but it sounds like you were needed at home. Your poor grandson, sounds like he was really brave, that must have hurt, hope things work out OK. It's strange how these things hurt you almost as much, I know how I feel when the kids are ill.

Poetry for Brigid Imbolc

  The Lake Isle of Innisfree BY  WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay a...