I had mentioned to Anne that I was going to do Project Spectrum again this year. The theme is The Elements and first one is Earth for March and April. More details at the above link. It isn't just for knitters as you will see:)
I wanted some zingy green yarn for both the earth direction and for Spring. Something to cheer and make me smile while I knit. The kind of colour whoever wore the socks would smile at when wearing them. Anne offered to dye me some and donate it for YOSH. Thanks Anne.
Just look how the other items in the parcel coordinate with the theme.

Thank you Anne, yes it did make me smile and was exactly what I'd been thinking of colour wise.
We had a little stroll in the local park this morning and things are starting to bud and flower as you can see. The Goddess is awakening and the ground is starting to warm up

Thank you for all the helpful hints for the manky rash. We are going to ask for a second opinion and in the meantime I'm trying out one or two of the suggestions. It is still very painful and sore.
That is such a fantastic colour - it almost fizzes! Good luck with the second opinion.
I love the colours of the yarn - full of the promise of spring. I'm sorry that you are still suffering from the nasty rash - hopefully you will find a remedy soon. Have a good weekend, love, Anne
Gorgeous greens. So springy. I wish the weather here would hurry up and catch up with them...
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