October 14, 2008

Mohair:( and answers to questions.

Well no shawl knitting today:( I woke up with a rotten cough and wheezing. I think the fibres of the mohair have set off my asthma and I've maybe swallowed some. I am going to get a mask before I do anymore knitting on it. The sea drift one didn't bother me. I think it may have something to do with the speed I wound it from the skein, maybe lots of fibres in the air and then knitting for 2 days on it. So today is sock day. Quelle surprise:)
Answers to questions asked
Lizzie you lift the bobbins off to add the skein
Round because they look right but Mr Mog is experimenting with hexagon ones now. We think that as long as we have the balance within the bobbins the outer shape shouldn't matter but watch this space.
He is going to make some for folks who ask although I don't want a big production line, he does get tired easily with the hormone treatment and the radiotherapy effects.
The sea drift shawl edging, I made up as I went along so couldn't tell anyone how to do it. It was a mixture of trebles and double crochet.
Samhain, for me the beginning of the new year. A time to let go of the past year, honour the things I've done and achieved. Good or bad. The bad things can be learnt from I always feel although it may not seem it at the time. A time when we are closer to our ancestors, the veil is thin. A time for the body and mind to go into the dark half of the year, to plant seeds that will grow as the year turns. I am not explaining properly Diane I know but a great book or series of books are anything by Glennie Kindred to give a little taste of what the wheel of the year can be, she doesn't preach or presume that her way is the only way(as some authors do).
However as always any questions please do ask. I don't have all the answrs, who does, but I'm always glad to help if I can


Kath said...

Amber the shawl is looking lovely - just like a big pile of berries and so suitable for harvest time! Pity it's being naughty and causing you grief re your asthma.

enthusiastic crochetoholic said...

I also get a reaction to knitting or crocheting mohair.
It affects my breathing slightly. The main thing is my eyes get really itchy and sore. I don't know if I rub my eyes with mohair fibres on my fingers or whether they just float up in the air. I used to have too wear big Deirdre Barlow style glasses when I worked with mohair

LizzieK8 said...

Does the skein slip around the bobbins or are they far enough apart to create enough tension. I've never seen a swift like this and just am curious! ;)

Diane said...

I get terrible asthma attacks from knittig with mohair too. Such a shame because it's so lovely. Hope you feel better soon.

FairiesNest said...

Angora is the fiber that gives me the sneezes! I have to use a mask when knitting my bunnies. I look forward to Samhain myself, I enjoy remembering those who are gone and taking stock of the past. Plus of course it's my favorite time of year! :)

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  The Lake Isle of Innisfree BY  WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay a...