There would appear to be some
femmes vying for your attention,so without further ado may I introduce:-
Kualina in honour of
Kuan Yin the goddess of compassion. As an artist, her palette and brush are equally at home with fabrics,canvas or yarn. The crescent moon represents her inner spirit,at one with the moon.
Kualina brings spiritual blessings and inspiration with her,
Serephina holds traces of Autumns glory, shown here by the oak leaf on her dress. She is a true fire or sun goddess. The bee and bee hive represent the sweetness of life and bees are a part of the great mystery in the way they journey to find pollen and return safely to the hive. The sun she wears is a foreseeing of the turn of the year at Yule and the return to the light and the warmth.
Serephina brings hope,joy and fruition with her.
Oya is the Goddess of changes and this femme is named in her honour. She helps embrace change in all its forms, and is a guide on the path you choose to take. The star reminds us that reaching for the stars is the best way to journey. If we fail there are other stars to break our fall.
Birgita personifies the elemental energies of fire. The timepiece she wears reminds us that there is never enough time if you wait for the right moment. You have to
live in the now, don't wait- for tomorrow never comes.
She is a loving goddess as the heart shows and her totem is a cat for comfort. She brings a reminder to seize each day and live it to its fullness.
Sulina is a water femme, She brings the ability to honour our emotions, both tears and laughter. As so many do, she wears her heart where it can be seen and sometimes bruised. Hopefully her presence will strengthen your resolve and heal any tears. The fish show us that we can swim, even against the tide if need be.
Veelia is a
shape shifting femme. The mask she wears hides her inner self and protects it from harm when she tries new things. The butterfly lends wings to her efforts and the cat helps her to stay grounded. She isn't afraid to move forward and embrace the new.
Mamaseti holds a key. Where is it for? That is for you to find out. Could it be the key to your creativity, your imagination? A key to an inner self? Only you know what her message will be. Her cat gives her the ability to travel lightly through the world.
Mayamei is of the earth and more at home in forests where she blends in easily. She brings strength to new ventures. The bees tell us that sometimes there is strength in numbers.
Fellina adores her cat and it goes with her on all her journeys. A touch of earth grounding to counter all her
fiery energy.
Fellina brings out ideas and makes them happen.
Luciali balances her inner and outer selves as any
Libran tries to do. The spiral at her neck reminds us that the path goes onwards, it isn't a closed circle. We don't have to stay in the same place. She helps us move on, all be it in our artistic self or our inner person.
Firadella is fire ,creativity and joy. She also holds a key and hers is for the journey. There are many doors that we hesitate to open. This could be the key for yours. Spirals send new energies to our projects.

Morgan is of water. Emotions can be hard to put into words as she knows so well.Sometimes she feels as if she is swimming against the tide so the fish remind her that she has the strength to do so. Her totem is a mermaid, part of the earth but at home in water and ruled by the moon.
Lorelee lives within the
greenwood. She spends her days communing with the creatures of the trees and her nights in communication with the moon. She treads the world at dawn and dusk when the veils are thinnest. Dragonflies attend her, bringing their beauty and colour to the woodlands.

Mara carries hope and forgiveness. We have to try new paths sometimes and she goes with us to show the way.
Artemesia loves to paint at any time, she sketches her dreams in colour. Her colours bring joy to all who see them, in what ever media she works. She carries a replica of the Egyptian Goddess Bast with her, the goddess of the sunrise and protector of all who need her, especially women,children and cats:)

Luciana is named for the goddess of fate and luck and in her honour she wears the dice. Lady Luck rolls the ways of chance and fortune for us. She
also wears the dice to remind us that we can choose our own road and we are not just dependant on the winds of change. A dice has many sides and we have many paths to choose from. Cats throughout time have been symbols of luck, especially black ones. The star is a symbol of what we can aim for.
I hope you like
les femmes. As always should one resound with you,please do contact me. They are all ready to go to pastures new. I would also remind you that they are decorative items and as such are not suitable for
children's playthings.
Thank you