May 14, 2006

free copy June Simply knitting and waiting,waiting

Have a spare copy of the latest(June) Simply knitting mag if anyone wants it. Sadly no circular needle as they didn't bother sending me one with my subscription copy which finally arrived. Well 2 copies actually neither with a free gift. Did I mention I was seriously p***ed off with both British magazines? Simply knitting and Knitting. Why I bothered to subscribe I don't know as neither sent my copies without my constant ringing them and fobbed me off with its in the mail. Why can't we organise ourself like the US magazines instead of acting as though they are doing you a favour by letting you subscribe. Once I get my needles I'm out of there. No more subscribing. If I see one I want I'll get it from the shop. Far easier. Also is it just me or is the standard of stuff in the magazines inferior to the US ones? I've found one thing past few months I may make and surprise surprise its a throw:))
I'm ranting I know, sorry for that I think part of it is the wait for the phone call. The guy is supposed to be leaving the house today and soon as he has we can go view it. Trouble is when will that be? Patience is not one of my virtues. I'm busy on the purples throw in feather and fan and liking the look of it. But there again another rant(VBG) are circulars meant to be awkward? This Daisy 10mm is so slow. I keep having to stop to push the stitches nearer to the knitting point. I know I knit tighter but on straights the stitches do at least move. I'm seriously thinking of transferring back to straights and putting up with the lack of space on the needle.
I'll leave you for the moment with a picture of the tulips in the grove this morning. I will however update as soon as I know anything. And if you want this Simply knitting magazine email me at amberdotmoggieatvirgindotnet. Willing to mail over seas.


dreamcatcher said...

I do hope you gets the news you've been waiting for soon.

I completely agree re the UK kniting magazines. They are hopeless in comparison to the US counterparts. I'm considering cancelling both of my UK subs as I now get VK and IK for a year and they are light years ahead in quality. You are welcome to have my circular that SK gave away, although I don't really recommend it, it's poor quality! Longish metal tips but nothing like the quality of Addis. The cord - eek. It was knotted up and a right pain to untangle. It's also very stiff, goodness knows what it is made of but if you compare Addi or Denise cords, it loses hands down.

Your garden is looking gorgeous by the way!

Twelfthknit said...

I won't get into my personal rant about Interweave Knits - suffice to say that they were a little surprised when I demanded a full refund - 6 months later, no mags at all!
Thanks for the Buddhism comment, by the way,I'm regrouping!

Angie said...

The British mags are just awful most of the time ,the patterns make me cringe.I browse at them but won't buy when the adverts are the best part .Angie.

Anonymous said...

OOhh I like that magazine!!!

Thanks for being a hostess for SP8!!!


Poetry for Brigid Imbolc

  The Lake Isle of Innisfree BY  WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay a...