October 09, 2006

Where do the misty mornings go?

Where do the misty mornings go when the dragons breath disappears? Do they go in to hiding til the next day or are they there but overlain with the sunny day that follows? Today when I first peeked out at the forest all that could be seen was mist and shadows with eerie sounds of the wild geese echoing gently through the mist. Then betwixt my getting up and next looking out the window clear sunny day. Truly magical living here in the Scottish Borders. The smells are autumn but with the decay of winter hinting at its presence. We are heading towards Samhain when the crone goddess is in the ascendent, a time of fear for some and indeed used to be for me . I could never think of winter without a shiver, the thought of being stuck in on long dark days and nights filled me with horror. Gradually I became aware of the fact that without the death there could be no rebirth, the plants had to sleep to renew their strength for the following spring. Once I realised that the winter months were a time for me to take stock, an inward meditatory spell not a negative thing then it became easier. I do still suffer from lack of sun but when I win the lottery(VBG) I intend to spend a month in the winter somewhere sunny and that will fool the SAD genes:))
Anyroads on to something different, I've uploaded a finished object, don't faint but here you see Cavendish in Noro Kureyon just off the needles and still needing the ends finishing etc but finished none the less.
Also 2 works in progress, firstly a sideways cardigan from a Colinette pattern. I'm using some pinguin mohair, a cone of something unknown(cost all of 50 pence) and a ball of I think sock yarn? I know there is enough on the cone and enough mohair in the cupboard but when the sock yarn runs out I'll see what the goddess of the stash cupboard gives me to follow on with. The second WIP is a fire shawl to honour the element of fire and to enjoy some of its heat when the shawl is being worn.
Hope you like


Woolly Wormhead said...

I used to feel the same about winter, yet now I really look forward to it. I enjoy the nesting, wrapping up warm in woollies! To beat the light problems and SAD, I use full spectrum natural light bulbs - makes such a difference. Lovely colours in your shawls!

dreamcatcher said...

Beautiful throw, and gorgeous colours you have picked out for the WIPs :-)

Poetry for Brigid Imbolc

  The Lake Isle of Innisfree BY  WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay a...