July 10, 2011


It is hard to remain positive when you feel your world has been torn apart. You wonder how you will get through the next minute, the next hour.
Your heart is full to bursting with all the emotion.
Some part of you rails at the injustice, why us?
Your heart stops pounding, you take a deep breath and move on. It might be tiny steps, it might have a lot of stops in between but you do move on.
You start looking for the positive side, you explore the options.
Yes there are options.
After all you can sit and feel sorry for yourself every day, no one will stop you. It is your life.
Or, you can look on it as a new beginning. It jerks you out of the day to day and makes you appreciate what you have got. It makes you see the world differently. It gives you hope..
You got through this day and it was fabulous. What has tomorrow in store?
You are with someone you love very much and who feels the same about you. What's not to enjoy in that?
Sometimes I think that this cancer has been a good thing, it made me appreciate things more.
And that can't be bad, can it?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Mr. Mog and you are fighting the most intense battle that life offers. Blessings and hugs to you both.

Miffy said...

I'm glad that you are finding the positive in all that you are going through.

I've just been looking again at your Femmes and Quercusta is calling to me. Is she still looking for a home and would it be OK if I put my donation direct to our local Macmillans? They were very kind to us several years ago over an incident that although not to do with illness was a sad time for us and I have never forgotten their kindness.

Freyalyn said...

Your positive and brave thoughts make me feel proud to know you. Just keep breathing.

Jane said...

Such wise and inspiring words for anyone facing difficult challenges in their life, and a reminder for those who are not of how precious and special every good thing in life can be.

May there be an abundance of good things for you both to enjoy and treasure now and in the future.

Poetry for Brigid Imbolc

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